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Customizable Card Game (In Progress)

This is a multiplayer card game where the players can create their own cards (choosing image, title and stats) and assemble a deck that is then sent to the server which will distribute information to players as the match progresses.

This project does not use the pre-built mirror multiplayer scripts and only uses lists and text calls to communicate with the server. The reason for this is to make sure that the server only sends information to the intended recipients and to also allow complete control over security at the server level (i.e. encryption / cheat detection easier to detect and implement both on server and client side with random timed checks).

While it is in no way near completion, the basics of the game have already been implemented and tested (in a sandbox environment) and I am now in the process of assembling the whole project together into a complete package.

Images below are just a representation of the general idea for the game and proof that most elements are functional and will certainly be replaced with actual assets once the coding part of the game is complete.

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